Over four years ago, I
felt the Lord telling me to stop taking the Sandostatin injections
because of the side effects and incredible weight gain. I battled
with the idea for quite some time and finally decided that if I
didn't stop taking the Sandostatin I was soon going to weigh 600lbs
and probably die of a stroke or heart attack. So which was worse:
having the Carcinoid symptoms or allowing the Sandostatin to cause
other health issues of it's own.
I remember clearly the
day I went into my doctor's office to let him know that I wasn't
going to be taking any more injections. I waited until he weighed me,
checked me and finally gave the injection. Then I simply said “Dr.
I'm going to stop taking these injections for a while and see how I
feel and if my weight will begin to go back down a little.”
His face contorted into
an angry grimace as he said in a very slow and evil tone “You're
making a terrible mistake... You're going to get sick you know...
You're going to be in so much pain! You'll be back!! This is a very
bad decision. These shots are lengthening your life span you know!
You'll be in so much pain... You'll be back....”
As I walked out of his
office, fear kept trying to grip my soul and I began to second guess
whether I had truly heard from God or not. “Oh gosh! Have I made a
mistake? Am I going to get really sick? Should I just go back and
tell him I changed my mind? Will this shorten my life?!!” But I bit
my lip and went to my car praying that God would show up and help me
once again.
Days and then weeks went by and I felt the same; no pain, no sickness, nothing out of the ordinary. As each day passed, I felt better about my decision and knew that I really had heard from God after all. I also knew if I ever had to begin taking those injections again I was never going back to Dr. Gloom & Doom!
Days and then weeks went by and I felt the same; no pain, no sickness, nothing out of the ordinary. As each day passed, I felt better about my decision and knew that I really had heard from God after all. I also knew if I ever had to begin taking those injections again I was never going back to Dr. Gloom & Doom!
Here's the thing: I
believe that cancer patients should have the final word in what
treatments they will or will not endure. I believe that unless the
patient is completely incoherent, their opinions and their feelings
should always trump everyone else's.
Yes, family members
should get involved in the process of deciding what action/treatments
to take. But in the end the patient should get the final word. Here's
why: when you are labeled with an incurable disease you feel totally
and completely at the mercy of that disease. You feel vulnerable and
weak. You feel like you are at the mercy of not only the disease but
at the doctors who are (let's be frank here) only guessing at what
your best course of action is.
There's something
empowering when you take control of the reins and start making
important decisions about your life and your well being.
Unfortunately with a cancer diagnosis, fear normally has the upper
hand. Fear normally causes folks to jump at the very first thing
offered. For most patients they will do anything out of desperation
to just be cured... to just be healed. They will drink the craziest
concoctions, rub on the strangest oils, pray the most desperate
prayers all in an attempt to get away from the curse that has been
put on them.
It's only those
patients who have total and complete trust in Someone much bigger
than themselves who can slow everything down and control the fear
that tries to overtake them. It's those folks who have learned how to
delve into the word of God and hear His voice who don't feel like
they are at the mercy of the physicians and/or the disease. These are
the people you see sitting in the doctor's office with a smile on
their face and peace in their eyes.
Isaiah 48:17 – This
is what the Lord says – I am the Lord your God Who teaches you what
is best for you. Who directs you in the way you should go.
I'm not implying that
just because you have a relationship with God means there is no fear
or you don't worry you're making the wrong choices. I'm simply saying
that much like the eye of the hurricane; you can still have great
peace when everything around you is in complete turmoil.
Fast forward over four
years: At my Carcinoid Specialist's appointment in Columbus, my
primary physician suggests I begin the Sandostatin injections once
again. She said the tumors hadn't progressed much but that the
injections would keep them in check and would also help with the
flushing and diarrhea I was experiencing. Being the stubborn woman
that I am I simply said, “Let me pray about it and I'll let you
know...” You could tell she wasn't happy with my decision but she
remained quiet.
After receiving the
doctor's prescription for monthly Sandostatin injections once again,
I began seeking God for direction. Should I take the shot or should I
continue to go without them. The doctor believes they will be
beneficial but I really don't want to put that stuff in my system
again. Am I just being stubborn and stupid or should I begin taking
them again.
So my prayer went something like this “Lord, I don't know what to do here. Would you please confirm if You want me to go ahead and start the injections again?” Then I went on about my daily routine. It wasn't but about two days later when I became violently ill. To the point where I ended up in the emergency room.
So my prayer went something like this “Lord, I don't know what to do here. Would you please confirm if You want me to go ahead and start the injections again?” Then I went on about my daily routine. It wasn't but about two days later when I became violently ill. To the point where I ended up in the emergency room.
Seriously, I haven't
been that sick in years! So the answer to my prayer was pretty
clear... go back on the Sandostatin. Be careful of what you pray for.
You might not like the answer He gives you.
It's so easy to have
all the faith you need when you're feeling good. But when the stomach
pains and flushing starts so does the battle of the mind. And I
believe the battle of the mind is the most intense part of the entire
Am I making the right decisions? Am I seeing the right doctor? Should I take the medications prescribed? Should I try something more natural? Does my doctor know what he/she is really doing? Am I just a Guinea pig?
Am I making the right decisions? Am I seeing the right doctor? Should I take the medications prescribed? Should I try something more natural? Does my doctor know what he/she is really doing? Am I just a Guinea pig?
You could literally
drive yourself crazy with all the questions and all the feelings and
all the grief and all the fear. The moment a person receives a cancer
diagnosis the first thing essential lesson they better learn quick is
how to control their thoughts! If you allow your thoughts to go
wherever they choose, you are going to be a very depressed, bitter,
angry and fearful person. You better grab those reins quickly and
hold on tight to them throughout the entire journey! Or that pony is
gonna take off bucking and kicking.
I've always been a
glass is half empty kinda girl. Looking back at pictures of my
childhood clearly show that. I was always frowning or angry, always
felt like the outcast and the unloved. To this day, I have to keep a
check on my expectations because if I'm not careful I can take
anything/everything personal.
As I sulked my way to
Columbus to begin the Sandostatin injections again, I kept
questioning God. Did you ever have a child in the backseat of the car
saying “Do we really have to go there?! I don't wanna go! Why are
you making me go there?!” That's pretty much what was going on
inside my mind as we traveled for three hours to get to the Cancer
Through this adventure
I've literally had to learn how to brain wash myself. When my
thoughts began screaming negative things... I would turn on praise
music. When fear would hover over me at night when I couldn't
sleep... I would turn on praise music. When I caught myself looking
at my grandchildren and wondering if they would even remember me... I
would turn on praise music.
I don't want to get too
deep here, but in the book of Daniel you will read that satan was the
worship leader in Heaven before he was cast out of Heaven because of
his pride issues. So if he was the worship leader then we know that
he knows how to use music to his advantage.
So if we can agree that
music is so powerful, then why aren't we using it when we are
fearful, or angry, or sad? I gotta tell ya... nothing pulls me out of
a depressed funk like some good old praise music. Once I begin
remembering how big my God is and how small my problem is to Him,
there's an almost instant change in my attitude and my thoughts.
I could go on forever
about music but I'm just gonna say this one thing: I dare you to put
what I'm telling you to the test. When you go to bed tonight, pull
out your MP3 player and your ear buds. Play some soothing praise
music that talks about the goodness and grace of God. Let it play all
night while you're sleeping and see how you feel in the morning. I
can almost guarantee that your spirit will have been nourished and
you will feel like conquering yet another day.
This cancer battle is
all about transforming your mind. Life in general is all about
transforming your mind. Romans 12:2 says Do not be conformed to this
world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by
testing... you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect.
This journey had been
transforming me into a “glass is half full” kinda girl. And I'm
learning that there is always a silver lining in every cloud.
Sometimes you gotta really search for it though.
Are you up to the
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