Friday, January 6, 2012

BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD ~ there's nothing too difficult for Me!

Last April, Chrissy and Nate were discussing the possibility of bringing a pet into their home. The kids are four and six and it would be a great home school project. But what should they get? They are already bored with fish, a dog is so much work and a cat (because of allergies) is out of the question.

As they pondered over whether to get a pet or not, they stumbled across one little miniature long eared bunny at the only pet store in town. Chrissy immediately fell in love with the bunny and Nate was ready to buy it after seeing his wife’s reaction. At the last moment, Chrissy put on her ’Mommy’ hat and said “We can’t just buy this bunny without really thinking and praying about it first.” The bunny itself was $50 and then there was food, a cage... and the list goes on and on. Her heart sank as they left the pet store empty handed.

After over four months, Chrissy still thought about the bunny and they continued to weigh the pros and cons of a pet. After coming back from a long trip to Ohio, Chrissy noticed online that someone wanted to give their bunny away to a good home. Nate and Chrissy talked again and decided to meet the owner of the bunny and see how they felt about it after talking to her. So they went to the store and priced bunny food, a cage and then prayed for discernment.

Less than an hour later the young lady was at their front door (without the bunny) just to meet them and make sure she was placing her bunny in a good home. After a few short moments of talking, Chrissy mentioned that she was the one who really wanted a bunny. She explained how they saw a bunny at the local pet store and she instantly fell in love with it.

The young girl’s eyes got big and she said “That’s the bunny I bought in April!” Since it was the only bunny there we all stood amazed at how God had orchestrated everything in such a cool way. Not only did He hand deliver the bunny to Chrissy… but she got the bunny and all the accessories the young lady bought in April for FREE. Through it all, not only did God confirme their decision to take the bunny, but He also confirmed to the young lady that this was a good home for her to place her bunny in.

In about two hours from now, we will finally meet this little gift from above and I can’t wait to see how excited the kids are going to be. They don’t know about their new pet yet.
So many times I believe we see something we like and just jump to go get it instead of letting God lead us. He loves to surprise His children and give us gifts. He loves to give us the desires of our hearts and confirm the choices they make daily. But I’m afraid our own agenda often goes before Him and we don’t get to see His hand at work in our lives.

The next time you ’need’ something, I hope you will remember this little bunny story. Slow down and wait on Him. Be still and know that He is God and if you really need it He will see that you get it. Nothing is impossible for Him.

It’s so much more rewarding to receive our little bunny from the hand of God than the girl at the cash register! (A lot cheaper too!) What a lesson this little pet has already been to two unknowing homeschoolers and their parents.

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