Sunday, January 8, 2012

Time keeps slip, slip, slipping away...

I realize spending time with the grandbabies in Montana can make one a little 'crazy' with all their energy and antics. But I desperately needed this break to clear my head and reset my direction ~ "recalculating" as gps puts it. There's nothing like having to pull Barbie dolls outta my pillow case before laying my head down to sleep to help put priorities right back in order.

For some bizarre reason I woke up this morning singing "time keeps slip, slip, slipping away..." So while everyone was still sleeping I began searching the internet for the song that was playing over and over in my mind. I finally found it and realized that while I had some of the words wrong, most of the other words were exactly how I feel about life.

Keep in mind this particular band was probably smoking something illegal while making this recording, but I believe they were onto something at the same time. Let me explain:

Steve Miller Band's classic, Fly Like an Eagle talks about how fast time slips by and how "I want to fly like an eagle" (those who wait upon the Lord shall mount up as eagles). "Let my Spirit carry me" (being led by Holy Spirit). When you're being led by the Spirit, where does He always lead you? What path are we all required to go down? The path of being a servant. The path that causes us to think of others before ourselves.

The song goes on to say: "Feed the babies who don't have enough to eat... shoe the children with no shoes on their feet... house the people livin in the street... oh, oh there's a solution!"

There is not only a solution to help those in need [us]. There is also a solution to help our own lethargic attitudes [them].

Are you looking for a more fulfilled life? A life with meaning and purpose? Do you go through your days feeling like there's gotta be more? I've got the answer. Live like there's no tomorrow and reach out to as many people as you can; as quickly as you can.

We were not created to be selfish and self centered. We were created to accept the love of Christ and then give that love away to those He puts in our path.

When I go to a Cancer Center or hospital and take a good look into the eyes of those who are being treated, I see two types of cancer patients. One type who has no hope, no future, no reason to keep living. They are easily identified by the dark dullness of their sunken eyes. Their mouths are drawn into a frown, their shoulders slumped and heads down.

But occasionally I will look into the eyes of a cancer patient and see LIFE; lots of LIFE! Their eyes twinkle and shine, their smiles are huge, their heads are up and they are ususally looking for the next person they can reach out to.

You don't have to receive a cancer diagnosis to learn a valuable lesson here.

Time is ticking... tick... tock... tick... tock... and no one knows for sure when the alarm will go off and our time here is over. So when you wake in the morning, don't think of YOURSELF. Ask "What can I do today to make a difference in someone else's world?" Then keep your head up and your eyes open as God brings people into your path day after day after day.

You don't have to travel to a third world country to be a missionary. You can be a missionary right in your own home. A missionary is someone who is sent on a mission to help someone with a need. Who is right in front of you with a need?

If you find yourself depressed and lonely. If you feel like there's nothing to live for. If you wonder what this life is really about. Remember: Time keeps on slip... slip...  slipping away. Take this time (right now) to forget about YOUR needs and meet the needs of someone else.

Be a servant. This is what you were created to do. This is where you will find fulfillment in life. This is your purpose. This is what it's all about.

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